
In addition to experiencing the challenging coursework and opportunities to apply their education outside of the classroom through the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 (OHP), participants also have the opportunity to be considered for a variety of OHP-designated programs.


科普兰学者 is a cohort-based program in which students work both independently and collaboratively to develop personal and professional skills. 商学院 以提供商业集群等体验式学习机会而自豪, 学生们面临的挑战不仅仅是学习, 还要把他们的教育newbb电子到商业世界的相关问题上. 项目福利包括价值高达2000美元的奖学金,可续期四年.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application. The following essay prompt (recommended length 50-200 words) will be used to apply to both OHP and 科普兰学者:

Students in the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 represent all majors on campus and take engaging 荣誉 courses while applying what they learn outside of the classroom. 回想一下你发现的一个问题,让你想要采取行动, 是学习更多还是促进改变. 问题是什么,你做了什么? (建议长度:300字左右)

精选的学生将被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


The 康纳维诺荣誉项目 is a research-based 荣誉 experience designed specifically for Patton College of Education teacher education students. 学生完成一项严格的, 探究式系列课程, 这将补充和增加他们的常规需求. Honors students participate in a collaborative research project that addresses a significant pedagogical issue. 这个研究密集型课程为学生提供了领导能力的机会, 专业会议演讲, 专业发展, 专业发展学校的强化课堂经验, 以及与核心教师团队的密切关系.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application. The following essay prompt (recommended length 50-200 words) will be used to apply to both OHP and Connavino Honors:

Students in the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 represent all majors on campus and take engaging 荣誉 courses while applying what they learn outside of the classroom. 回想一下你发现的一个问题,让你想要采取行动, 是学习更多还是促进改变. 问题是什么,你做了什么? (建议长度:300字左右)

部分学生可能会被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


The 法律,司法和文化早期保障计划 allows students to complete a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in an accelerated timeline. Participants earn conditional admission to the master's program as incoming undergraduate freshmen.



The 麦肯齐·金荣誉项目 is a research-based 荣誉 experience designed specifically for students in The Patton College of Education with majors in the departments of Human and Consumer Sciences and Recreation and Sports Pedagogy. 学生完成一项严格的, 探究式系列课程, 这将补充和增加他们的常规需求. Honors students participate in a collaborative research project that addresses a significant pedagogical issue. 这个研究密集型课程为学生提供了领导能力的机会, 专业会议演讲, 专业发展, 专业发展学校的强化课堂经验, 以及与核心教师团队的密切关系.


申请MacKenzie King荣誉项目:

完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application. The following essay prompt (recommended length 50-200 words) will be used to apply to both OHP and MacKenzie King Honors:

Students in the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 represent all majors on campus and take engaging 荣誉 courses while applying what they learn outside of the classroom. 回想一下你发现的一个问题,让你想要采取行动, 是学习更多还是促进改变. 问题是什么,你做了什么? (建议长度:300字左右)

部分学生可能会被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


斯克里普斯创新学者项目给予大胆, curious problem-solvers in the Scripps College of Communication the chance to unleash their innovative spirit and make a positive change on the world. 项目福利包括1美元,500美元的奖学金,可续期四年,还有1美元的奖学金,在四年的经验中,为充实活动提供000 000的津贴.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application The following essay prompt (recommended length 50-200 words) will be used to apply to both OHP and 斯克里普斯创新学者:

Students in the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 represent all majors on campus and take engaging 荣誉 courses while applying what they learn outside of the classroom. 回想一下你发现的一个问题,让你想要采取行动, 是学习更多还是促进改变. 问题是什么,你做了什么? (建议长度:300字左右)

精选的学生将被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


The 卡特勒学者计划 is a merit scholarship program for intellectually and civically engaged students in specific academic disciplines or from specific geographic regions. 除了23美元起的慷慨资助,每年000, 卡特勒奖学金获得者接受个性化指导, 津贴,以支持四个丰富的经验, and other benefits to help them explore how they could make a positive impact in their communities.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application and respond to the following essay prompts:

Reflect on a service activity or other efforts you’ve undertaken to contribute to your 社区 or communities. 您的行动可能涉及个人服务, 小组项目, 或者做一些实质性的活动来养家糊口, 比如找工作或照顾生病的亲戚. 你对你自己和你的社区有什么了解? 你从社会如何更普遍地运作中学到了什么? (字数限制250字)

在实践领导能力时,什么品质最重要? 在与他人合作时,你是如何努力塑造这些品质的? What opportunities are you interested in seeking out to develop new qualities of leadership? (字数限制250字)

精选的学生将被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


The Multicultural Center is home to the Templeton, Urban, and Appalachian scholars programs. 他们形成了一个合作社区,丰富了他们在俄亥俄的学术经历. 这些项目包括12美元起的慷慨奖学金,每年500美元,直至全额学费, 双人房入住, 以及传统的膳食计划),以及学术和社交活动.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application and respond to the following essay prompt(s), 基于他们有资格参加的项目.


The 阿巴拉契亚学者计划 is a prestigious merit- and need-based scholarship program for high school graduates residing in one of the Appalachian counties of Ohio. The program provides scholarship support to students with demonstrated financial need and academic achievement, 加上对成功的渴望和动力.

Please share meaningful 社区 engagement experience you’ve had in your own or another Appalachian 社区. 是什么促使你参与进来的? 你做了什么?? 这段经历对你有什么影响? (350 - 500字)


In 1828, John Newton Templeton became 俄亥俄州’s first African American graduate—and the fourth nationwide. 1835年因教其他非裔美国人读书写字而被捕, 他坚持不懈,成为一名教师和校长. 本着他的贡献精神, the Templeton Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students who share Templeton's commitment to building inclusive relationships, 社区宣传, 和毅力.

基于你对邓普顿学者项目的理解, 这个项目的哪些资源和机会最让你兴奋, 你会如何利用它们, 如果选择? 另外, 反思你在学校的参与, 社区, 家庭, 工作或课外活动, 什么样的经历使你成为邓普顿学者? (350 - 500字)


The 城市学者计划 is a prestigious merit- and need-based scholarship program for incoming first-year students of urban school districts in Ohio. The program provides scholarship support to students with demonstrated financial need and academic achievement.

Please share meaningful 社区 engagement experience you’ve had in your own or another urban 社区. 是什么促使你参与进来的? 你做了什么?? 这段经历对你有什么影响? (350 - 500字)


The 创业荣誉计划 is designed for students across the University who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. 创业是一种心态. 它可以意味着创办公司和企业, 但它也意味着创新和自己解决问题, 已建立的组织, 或者整个社会. 该项目对那些想要做一些事情的申请人感兴趣,无论大小, 现在或以后-尝试产生影响. Students who complete the entrepreneurship track of the 俄亥俄荣誉计划 will earn either the entrepreneurship certificate or major degree. 项目福利包括价值高达3000美元的奖学金,可续期四年.



完成newbb电子平台的入学申请后, eligible students will be asked to complete the 俄亥俄州 Honors and Scholars supplemental application and respond to the following essay prompt (suggested length: 250-350 words):

描述一个你已经开始的实例, 创建, 建, 影响, 改变了, 或者在没有价值的地方创造了价值. 这可以包括, 但不限于, entrepreneurial efforts; problem solving; fulfilling a unmet need; or making and selling products, 服务, 或思想. 如果你有照片或链接要分享,请分享!

精选的学生将被邀请参加虚拟面试. 学生将在春季学期被通知他们的状态.


Please request application information regarding admission as a student using the form below.
